During one of the visits to a department store in Italy, came across this new counter “KM 0”. Got curious with the name and started to talk about it with the staff at the counter. In spite of the limited knowledge of Italian, it generated enough interest & curiosity to request a change in the Dinner Venue to a “KM 0” restaurant same evening. As I find this concept extremely relevant to the Indian context, sharing here key take-away of trivia and some insights gathered at this discussion over a “KM Zero” dinner. “KM Zero” restaurants are considered up-market fine dining destinations and the concept is catching up fast across Europe. Originally started in Italy about 5-6 years back, as a very informal and a social cause in small towns and villages. As a result of typical Italian branding & promotion, what was considered rural and poor has now been duly promoted and turned into a full blown “high-fashion and exotic dining experience”. Italy is one country that ...
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