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Showing posts from December, 2011

TN, The Welfare State!

Few days back someone had casually mentioned that private bus operators in TN had paid a sum of Rs. 25 Lakhs (INR 2.5 Million) each as individual contribution to the ruling party AIADMK, with a request for Bus fare hike across the State. I did not give much importance then to this unconfirmed and unverified information during a casual conversation. Only when I saw this small news item at Page 9 of The Hindu dated 2 nd December, it reminded me of this conversation last week. Busfare hiked to favour private operators: Stalin Equipped with this unconfirmed and unverifiable piece of inside information, suddenly I found myself in a much better position to “understand” the below comment made by Mr. Stalin in this news item: “ The secret behind such a steep increase in bus fare will come out soon .” Surely he knows better the reasons and the background to all decisions such as Bus fare hike and the kind of motivation that prompts them – to be more direct and precise, “been there, ...