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Showing posts from November, 2016

'Coconut' Class of Sixty-Nine

Narendra Modi (NaMo) has brought upon a very strange situation and a dilemma to the vast and diverse fabric of Indian Voter. Firstly, he split the Indian Voter into two - with 31% in favour, who actually voted for him to be the PM, against the rest 69%. Secondly, just to maintain 'anti-Modi' position and keep this vote-bank intact, torch-bearers of these 69% have even started justifying 'anti-India' causes and activities. 31% are the early Bhakts (supporters / followers of NaMo) - term used with derogatory connotation by the Indian Sickular Intellectuals (ISI) . A very large part of 69% who voted against NaMo are actually innocent well-meaning voters, who simply got misled by anti-Modi narrative; an agenda aggressively pushed into the drawing-rooms and on coffee-tables, by the unholy nexus of Toxic & Corrupt Mainstream Media (paid by the Congress), Corrupt & anti-National NGOs-turned-Activists-turned-Politicians; promoted by the politically aspirational...