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Showing posts from April, 2015

Hindu ISI : Understanding Indian Sickular Intellectual

"And there are people still in darkness, And they just can't see the light. If you don't say it's wrong then that says it right. " ~ Solomon Burke There is this growing tribe that I would like to discuss here, define it with some key-words and then list some examples for our better understanding. Typical Hindu ISI, Indian Sickular Intellectual, also known as 'Useful Idiots' can be defined in the following key-words: They are Hindu: I am yet to come across a non-Hindu ISI - so this one is almost non-negotiable. NOT fascinated with Hinduism, do not care to know what Hinduism is all about and  carry a perverted 'evangelical' view of Hinduism. Absolutely Secular (all religions are same - what is in a religion? etc.) Being Hindu is Communal, Closely follow & worship MSM (Mainstream Media) - TV & Print Highly cultured & curated with Left-Liberal values & ideas, Anti-Modi, for sure - this is a 'must have’ qualification....

MUDRA - Funding the Unfunded

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) Yojana Mudra Innovation may Prove a Game Changer By: Shri S Gurumurthy | Published: 10th April 2015 Pic Credit: The New Indian Express In the above article published in TNIE today, Shri S Gurumurthy (SG) analyses MUDRA Yojana. Drawing here some key points form this article and listing them here for easy understanding of MUDRA: First, the background with some numbers: Corporate Sector in India accounts for just 15% of India’s GDP. 50% of India’s GDP comes from non-Corporate or Informal Sector = 'Small and Micro Businesses’ (SMB) Corporate sector accounts for just about 10% of the total Jobs. 90% of the Jobs come from non-Corporate or Informal Sector. There are about 5.8.Crore (58 Million) 'Small and Micro Businesses' that actually drive the Indian economy These 'Small and Micro Businesses’ employ about 12.8 Crore of India’s total working population. Corporate Secto...