It is an epidemic that is spreading real fast and getting deep-rooted in our society & our system – it is everywhere – in values, services, business, art-forms, our daily lives, actions and inactions – the effects of which not only can be seen today all around us, but will also affect the generations to follow and may probably even contribute in shaping the future of our nation accordingly. This epidemic has such far reaching and diverse consequences that I will have to talk about it in two parts in order to be precise, focussed and brief, all at the same time. So Part I would only focus on how Mediocrity is fast creeping into our Society and affecting the Social Fabric of our country. India is still very much considered a THIRD World country all over the western world – we may or may not like to agree and face it, has nothing to do with what the West thinks of us and is not going to change. Some of us might find happiness in the fact that until 20 years back we were the country of...
Change the Lens, Change the Story !