Reams of paper, Tons of ink, hundreds of megabytes were spent discussing Udta Punjab, thanks to controversy surrounding the ‘Cuts’ as desired by CBFC before granting certification. Most of the articles were pushed around by people who actually had not even watched the film and then the usual ‘Sheep’ started sharing those stories after adding their unsolicited comments and opinions. Then came a tsunami of reviews, almost hours after release of the movie, as if some of them were hitting their key-boards while watching. Now that is sheer ’Need for Speed’ in this digital world of ‘realtime’ news. SPEED is the new Mantra and has gained lot more importance than the CONTENT. Gone are the days when “Content is King” used to rule the digital world. 'Need for Speed’ has completely consumed the concept of quality content. Having watched the film, I can say this with conviction that most of the reviews that I read were completely misplaced. Some review...
Change the Lens, Change the Story !