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Showing posts from April, 2010

Is it Maoist or Socialist terror?

It was a heart-rending sight indeed on almost all the leading news channels last night. 76 out of total 82 CRPF Jawans were laid to rest inside those Boxes. These 76 CRPF Jawans gave away their precious lives to the nation, fighting Maoist insurgency in the jungles of Chattisgarh. They leave behind dependent family members, widows with small children, who will now face the brunt of it all for the rest of their lives. An old man who had not even recovered from the loss of his son in this horrific incident was already talking about sending his next son to fight for the same cause. The injured hospitalized Jawans who were fortunate to survive the attack, talked about going and fighting back. With Moist, not Maoist, eyes I thought - This is the India and a true Indian spirit one would die to live for. The question remains – Is it all worth it? So very unfortunate but the number of casualties and this incident will simply go down on record as mere statistics, in the files and offices of o...