I had arrived at Frankfurt airport early in the morning on 16 th December, after a long trans-Atlantic flight. After settling down in the transit lounge with my diet breakfast, pulled out copies of FT & IHT from the newspaper shelf, the two newspapers that I usually like to spend my time with while in transit. I was pleasantly surprised to find this article on Mr. Ratan Tata, yet again, in FT: Chai with the FT: Ratan Tata Mr. Ratan Tata is much more visible in the UK press rather than the Indian press - call it just co-incidence or the sheer ignorance of the Indian media. James Crabtree of FT Mumbai Bureau has a knack of beautifully weaving the mundane into the extraordinary to make an interesting article. This article did not have any specific insights, just a chat over a cup of tea; but I kept thinking about it for a long time on board my onward flight back home. It was a mixed feeling of national pride and happiness; especially after reading a lot of negati...
Change the Lens, Change the Story !