"And there are people still in darkness, And they just can't see the light. If you don't say it's wrong then that says it right. " ~ Solomon Burke There is this growing tribe that I would like to discuss here, define it with some key-words and then list some examples for our better understanding. Typical Hindu ISI, Indian Sickular Intellectual, also known as 'Useful Idiots' can be defined in the following key-words: They are Hindu: I am yet to come across a non-Hindu ISI - so this one is almost non-negotiable. NOT fascinated with Hinduism, do not care to know what Hinduism is all about and carry a perverted 'evangelical' view of Hinduism. Absolutely Secular (all religions are same - what is in a religion? etc.) Being Hindu is Communal, Closely follow & worship MSM (Mainstream Media) - TV & Print Highly cultured & curated with Left-Liberal values & ideas, Anti-Modi, for sure - this is a 'must have’ qualification....
Change the Lens, Change the Story !