Waited for a couple of weeks to get all the dust settle down over this issue and for the media attention to deviate to some other breaking-news after this “TOI-Times Now” joint sting operation of the selling of seats and rampant corruption in admissions in Private Medical colleges. Just one basic question – did we all not know about it already? Why we Indians are in this mode of perpetual denial of the crude reality around us? What this sting & expose is all about? Looks like it is just to create some cheap media sensation and a discussion leading to nothing at all, except for some instant spark in the viewership (TRPs) and circulation of the Times group. Everyone then goes back to conducting their respective businesses, right from the willing parents to the Medical Council. Two consenting parties, even better if called as traders – the student and the institute, are negotiating and transacting business in a peaceful manner. Why should it bother anyone and why take the pains and sp...
Change the Lens, Change the Story !